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Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
The book describes Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 - the control system on relational databases, and contains information on all aspects of work and administration of this DBMS.
MS SQL Server 2000: application development
The book take a view on principles of creating maximum effective database structure and development of application that allows amateur user to work with databases.
Programming 3D Graphics
The book describes programming of visualization of 3D realistic shapes using graphic libraries OpenGL (for Windows).
Self-taught MFC
MFC library is a powerful and flexible tool for Windows-application development on the base of Visual C++ language. The book contains the detailed information about the main library classes and their components.
Visual C++ and MFC (2nd edition)
The book describes object-oriented programming for 32-bits systems Windows 95/98 and Windows NT with usage of Visual C++ 6 compiler and MFC v. 4.23 class libraries.


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